Sunday, September 22, 2024

Two new Zotero tricks

 Long time no post! Here are two recent Zotero tricksExtracting references from a document (and copying to clipboard)And merging duplicates:```var DupPane = Zotero.getZoteroPanes();for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));DupPane[0].mergeSelectedItems();Zotero_Duplicates_Pane.merge();} [...]

Monday, March 20, 2023

Time machine clearing

 Just got a mac and set up time machine, here is how to clear local backups d in $(tmutil listlocalsnapshotdates | grep "-"); do sudo tmutil deletelocalsnapshots $d; d [...]

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Bluetooth keyboard not working all the t [...]

Friday, October 21, 2022

Installing the R package 'sf' on a Mac with an M1 chip

 I really struggled with this, so am just going to stash some resources here that I found useful makes me think its possible had to do brew install of gdal, geos, and projProbably need to do this too [...]

Monday, August 22, 2022

Abstract writing

Use headers: background, methods, results, conclusions background should end with a gap statement each should be similarly weighted word-wise. actually talk numbers with results, don't be vagu [...]

high resolution images from powerpoint

 for figures and schematics slides at JPG, then crop in p [...]

For your student's first paper

Probably best to give someone something that is already thought out&nb [...]

Ubuntu tips

 fractional scaling (150%) [...]

Being a good mentor

 Re-post of: Best PolicyUrmimala Sarkar - March 1, 2022Dear friends,It’s March 2022, and I can’t say whether time moves quickly or slowly any more. The state of our world is hitting me hard right now, and I am sending solidarity to all who share this feeling. I spoke to a small group of mid-career faculty recently, and they [...]

Blocking time

 I've thought and tried at various times about blocking off time in my schedule to work on things. It never works. But I had a recent idea, maybe just putting in 1 block per week would work better? Easier to accomplish and harder to justify skipping? will try and rep [...]

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Helpful ggplot references

 base colors:*,and%20blue%20for%20the%20bars.Changing individual points in a legend [...]

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Install Zotero on a university computer

 If you try and download Zotero, sometimes you get this error: you need to do is this: [...]

Monday, May 23, 2022

Fixing your ergonomic keyboard used a paper clip, and this worked w [...]